
Challenge awards

At The Mount School
& St Peter's School
Jump in, swim 10m with surface dive and swim 5m underwater​
Tread water in a vertical position for 3 mins​
Skull head first for 15m, with feet near the surface of the water​
Swim 400m using two different strokes, 200m of breast stroke and 200m back stroke.​
Exit deep water without assistance.​ Each element must be completed on two separate occasions.

Challenge awards

At The Mount School
& St Peter's School
Plunge dive into water of at least full reach depth

Swim 100 meters in less than three minutes using any stroke.
A change of stroke may only occur at the completion of a length of the pool
Tread water for two minutes with one hand behind the back;
Swim 10 meters, followed immediately by two surface-dives into water of full reach depth, one head first and one feet first bringing an object to the surface on each occasion;
Skull head-first on the back for 10 meters and return by sculling 10 meters feet-first. A horizontal position must be maintained throughout.
Swim 800 meters: using two different strokes, 400m of breast stroke and 400m back stroke.​
Climb out at the deep end without assistance..​ Each element must be completed on two separate occasions.